

Time And Change

In a world of variations vast,
Where time and change both move so fast,
A calico of life we weave,
With patterns bright, in which we believe.

Our thoughts perform in endless flow,
Each one a thread, a gentle glow.
Yet solecisms often slip,
From careless tongues, they quickly trip.

In minds, a connectome blooms,
Mapping dreams in silent rooms.
Recidivous are habits old,
Returning, though their tale is told.

We strive to change, to break the chain,
Yet find ourselves in cycles plain.
Through variations, we explore,
A calico of life, and more.

Our actions dance, our spirits soar,
In every heart, an open door.
Perform with grace, despite the past,
In life’s great play, make each role last.

For in the weave of every day,
Solecisms fade away.
Recidivous though they may be,
Our varied lives seek to be free!!


© Nicole 🍒 JoMoRo