

I won't let my future son play with dolls.
he has to be a man
not a girl
I won't let him play with plastic
nothing pink or feminine
he has learn the attitude of a man

my future son won't play with dolls
because I will ba damned if I let him play with a woman
I will not raise him to play with girls hearts
and throw the broken plastic pieces away
as if they are worth nothing.

I will not let my boy play with dolls!
I will be damned to hell if he plays with women for his enjoyment
I will not teach him to gain excitement from breaking girls hearts

I will not let my future son play with woman.
I will not let him play with them as if they are *dolls*.
they are not plastic and fake
we are not plastic and fake

they are not to be tossed around and manhandled
we are not to be tossed around and manhandled

I will not let my son play with dolls.
because I will be damned to the fiery puts of hell if that happens.

© ewrites