

# 7
There is a quietness to broken worlds
A haunting stillness that follows
Each of my wandering steps
As I look for the pieces of me left
Under the debri

The calm after the storm is so much sadder
Than the one before it
I mourn the things I lost in the fire and
Find myself missing the burn
Of the flames

I taste the ash on my tongue and wonder
If I'll ever taste anything else
Or if that has, too, been lost to the
Blazing inferno I carried within
Before the waves came to
Put me out and erase
Any part of me that still could
In any way
Sustain itself

I was the house on fire

Whoever lit up the match or
Why did they ever want me to burn
I don't know

And standing in the ruins of what
I used to be, I know that answers
Wouldn't bring me any peace
Wouldn't mend a single piece
Of what I've come to lack

I'll wait for the wind to
Blow away the embers
And for time to forget
The place I used to lie
There is only comfort in
Erasure and oblivion
In losing these scraps
To the immensity of
All places I never was
And never could be

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