

Ohh Mine
Oh mine, Oh mine, I will never let you go
Cause you are mine
It wasn't that hard to live without you
You were fat and witty man
I am not right that was you this man was a few years back
I can't imagine today he is with six abs
I know that you won't let them touch but I will try
I am dancing, dancing, dance in my world
Love to be in your hands
Worlds apart but we won't (2)
You ignore me but I still feel you see behind the woods
Isn't that scary but I call it a love
Make me right in your laps but I am a little ashamed
It is not that easy to get you
You have done this to other girls
But it will not work for me
I better try to make you crazy
Smelling like wine

I will never let you go
Cause you are mine
Oh, mine, Oh mine and my oh mine.....

© Typing....