

I try not to think of you much,yet I think of you much.
I even try to run from the thoughts but as thoughts go.
They always catch up.
I open my eyes as wide as they can open when you creep into my meditation but there you are staring into them like an ethereal Angel refusing to break contact.
How am I to react?
Be thrown aback,
angered because you infiltrate every aspect of my life
To the widest gap to the smallest crack no matter fiction or fact?
or am I to relax and embrace the face staring back
that resembles my face with slight differences.
A face that makes frowns flip to smiles and tears race down my face like their on the attack to erase a race from Earth's face because of slight differences.
embrace or erase.
There's only one choice to make.
EMBRACE because from my heart and mind.
I could never
© Vaga Pesoj