

I know when I see guilt,
I have weighted it. It felt like lifting a full gas cylinder on one shoulder,
I have traveled it like a road with no end,
Like a nightmare you are running away from a ghost but you never move forward.
I have seen people getting stuck into it
like a quicksand near river Ganges.
I have heard people shouting in guilt like car honking in a traffic jam.
I have sensed the impatience in it like a mother waiting to see her new born.
I have cried in it like a teenager after his/her first breakup.
I have felt restlessness to get out of it like migrants labourers in lockdown wanting to go home.

But I have also known it as a distraction killer,
Like a mom who shouts at you when you don't study.
I have known it as a focus enhancer- like a breathing in ,breathing out meditation clearing your mind.
I have known it as a motivator- you are covered in shit, and wants to get out of it.
You can't live with it and desperate to get out of it
And that's why I always refuse to give in.

#guilt #life #motivation #inspiration #Poetry #tried_something_different_this_time