

Happy Valentine’s day
How can’t i love her?
Her complexion is so fair
Lovely silky golden hair
Moonlike face is so pristine
I love to drown in her almond eyes

How can’t i love het?
So lovely are her alluring hands
Milky smooth like silky bands
Her dainty shapely beautiful feet
When she walks and sways she is a treat

How can’t i love her?
Her presence fragrance spills
Her perfect shape is enough to kill
How can one be so humble with so much skills?
Her thoughts always my fantasy fills

How can’t i love her?
Selflessly she toils everyday
Restlessly she marches on her way
No grudges no complains she lays
Yet for all her efforts she dearly pays

How can’t i love her?
If i could i would make it easy for her
She would work when she chose to without labour
As she stepped out a car would wait for her
She would be loved cared and admired over and over

How can’t i love her?
Have never known a better soul
Dedicated disciplined with clear goals
Not in bits i want her whole
As my queen my wife my consort


#valentinesday #Love&love