

A true friend
I have came across many people in my life
Who have completely different minds
Many of them are my friends
But I don't have any idea
What I actually mean to them?

There are many notable persons in my life
Who were previously my very good friends
We used to chat,sit, laugh all day long
But now we don't even speak as if
We are strangers coming from different universe

I don't know what is my fault
That they have stopped talking to me
It really hurts when you realize that
The person with whom you used to chill all day
Long doesn't even ask how are you doing?

It is really hard to get someone
Who is indeed your true friend
Who actually scolds you like a teacher
Loves you like a mother
And never ever leaves you

This person always insults you on your face
Always ready to prove that
You are actually an idiot
But behind your back she always praises you
And always find ways to protect you

She will fight for you, respect you
Include you,encourage you,need you
Deserve you and stand by you
Many people will walk in and out your life
But only true friends will leave footprints in your heart

So if you have someone like this in your life
Consider yourself to be the luckiest human in this world
Value it and don't ever try
To ruin your valuable friendship

Because if you do so, you will regret forever for doing so...