

The Right To Arm Bears
My favorite tshirt of all time
Was a shirt with a bear holding a rifle
And gibbering frightened hunters
Running in terror
In my head
I pictured these guys being the kind
Who shot bears from Helicopters
Rather than my batshit cousin
Who hunts animals with a bow
rambo style
This was before Columbine
And it wasnt political
i just thought it was hilarious
Fast forward to now
And toxic men
Are freaking out because
Women choose Bears over Men
In the woods
And I love it
As a Man I approve of the right fir women to choose bears
If a woman wants to date a bear
I am all down
long live the Bear Agenda
Uplift is a thing yet to come
But I genuinely believe
Genetically modified Bears
Would be less toxic
Than conservative human males
Every day
Every single day
The world gets more toxic for the toxic
And I sit here
Munching popcorn
Sipping their tears in a champaign flute
On with the show