

The Tortured Poet Department
You keep my department locked
And open it when my personas is no longer non grata
And you need my typewriter to type
So you can read all my manuscripts, stories that your hallowed,
Did you know you're beguiling?
Diving in and out of my stagnant waters that are too shallow, so you're not dying

Did the chairman come back?
Did he change the rules of our meeting?
Can I now look you in the eye whenever I'd like
And not on your time
And did he come back to command me to stop writing?
And leave you to you to your favorite poet, shinging while I stay in hiding.

Why must you write back letters that read you're don't want my hand
Then come around and act like that's your plan

In my department you have hand quilted portraits
And guilt, somber, loved filled model poses
And there I'm one of you're tortured poets
And I keep writing even though I know you'll never post it
Outside your tortured poets department
Where all of us stay hiding
And due to your illicit charmes there's endless writing.

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