

A Long Lasting Relationship
1.Efforts. Efforts should be 50-50 from both sides. Yes there are some time when it becomes 80-20 if he/she is going through a problem or exams but if it remains like this over constant period of time, then I guess its better to rethink about your relationship.

2. Good Communication. A good communication doesn't mean having conversation over phone for 2–3 hours but rather getting to know more about your partner. Like whether is there something bothering her or if she had any exam in nearby future. Remembering this small things can go a long way for an amazing partnership.

3.Trust and Loyalty. No relationship can last without these two. It is harsh but true when people from opposite sex try to get to close to ur girl or man, you feel a volcanic eruption within yourself. It's not a bad thing but if he/she really loves you, they would never do something suspicious. It is a sad thing that loyalty has become some sort of flex today.
Commitment. Trust me no one is ever so busy that cannot reply how was your day message to you. Most people are in a relationship do that they can tell their friends that they are in a relationship.

4.Mutual respect. It's possible that you two don't share same views but enforcing your loved one to share the same views as him/her is not a good thing. Maybe he/she won't like your opinion but if he/she really loves you they will respect your choice. Afterall opposite poles attract each other :)

5. Private space and privacy. It's normal when you want a private time for yourself and want to take a break. If your loved ones loves you they would understand and even you should encourage your loved ones to take out some time for their hobbies.

6. Not comparing other bf/gf to your bf/gf. As a boy, not sure about girls but it is truly heartbreaking when they say stuffs like : see her bf brought her this, went to this place etc. He will take notes of it but from deep inside he won't like it. Yes, there are certain expectations but trust me everyone form of showing love is different. Maybe not now but he will definitely buy you gifts, take to a fancy restaurant etc.

Here are most of the points. My perspective is from teenage pov so for adults it can be different. I would like to you hear your opinion for a good relationship.

Hopefully those of you are in a relationship, hope you have a great time with your partner and if you are single, don't worry love yourself and meet your dream boy/girl soon.
© Maniiish_29