

I Met Myself For The First Time
My mental been gone.

I guess it’s time for the head to follow.

My mind and feelings pull me in a different route.

Who am I supposed to follow.

When they both give me different directions.

Which path am i supposed to take now?

Or it is too late for all of that now?

I’ve never been one for conflict.

Yet its an internal war the moment my eyes open.

I'm only granted a peace treaty when I'm in pieces.

How often do I get to be whole before I fall into one.

As I’m being swallowed by the darkness,

I’m left to ask myself questions.

Who am I?

Where am I going?

Do I believe what I see or hear?

To trust myself would be the same as following a stranger.

I’m here, but I’m not present.

My shadow is mute.

She cries with a broken tongue.

The pursuit of happiness is parallel to self healing.

The idea of it all isn’t so appealing.