

Chronicles of Twenty-Three
In the tapestry of twenty-three,
A journey woven, both wild and free.
Trials and tribulations, a tumultuous sea,
Yet life's lessons, a guide for you and me.

Met souls profound in the dance of fate,
Each encounter, a chapter, a twist in our slate.
Some impart wisdom, lessons innate,
Others, fleeting moments, destined to dissipate.

Happy faces, sad hearts, a paradox to find,
Through seasons we traverse, the tapestry bind.
Memories etched, a kaleidoscope in the mind,
Some to cherish, others left behind.

Realization dawns, the art of letting go,
Mistakes transformed into wisdom's glow.
Lost battles fought, yet resilience to show,
In the tapestry, stories of ebb and flow.

As the clock ticks to twenty-four,
A wish takes flight, an earnest implore.
Love thyself, cease the self-critique's uproar,
Prioritize, bloom, let life's symphony soar.

In the canvas of days, health, wealth, delight,
Goals pursued, futures bright.
May choices align with destiny's light,
2024, a year of dreams taking flight.
© Lily Grace