

Long-lost lover
The air is thick with your scent,
The memories are vivid yet.
A familiar hand,
A sweet voice I can't forget.
But time has passed,
The seasons flown away.
The fire of love,
Is no longer alive today.
Like a distant dream,
Your face once so dear.
Gone but not forgotten,
My heart with great despair.
A love once so true,
Now feels like a fairy tale,
Never again to hold,
Never again to tell.
I will remember you,
For all eternity.
The pain of loss,
Is difficult to bear.
Our paths have parted,
But our love still remains.
An empty void within my heart,
A silent sorrow does remain.
I will learn to move on,
No matter the pain.
For you are my love,
And you always will be,
A love that was true,
A love that I can't flee.
My thoughts, my dreams,
Are filled with your grace.
My love, my soul
Are filled with your space.
Memories together,
Are bittersweet and fine.
The love that we shared,
Will always remain.
Though you are gone,
The pain, the pain.
I carry our memories,
A love that remains.
#love #poetry #poet #heartbreak #lovepoem #heartache
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