

Love; I used to communicate
With you everyday
When I woke up you were the first thing
On my mind, I would greet

You with a sweet smile
Beaming like the Nubian sun-rays
Setting myself ablaze
For I was so craze

In love with you
But you've showed me flames, askew
Twisted me that my bamboo
Strength washed away, it brew

Like poison in a witch pot
You've cause great rot
It's so deep that I've placed
My attention on it and ignore those who

Thirst for my warm affection
For I've made a collection
Into my archives of your bitter soul
At least I've regain my complection

Hence, I faded in your face
You continue to chase
The shadow of me as I pace
Further, in the mind of Nun's

A desert filled with no lust
But the earth cover; the-crust
When she's angry, dust
Fills our temporary tent

I just pray that the feeling is temporary
I must guide it to it's itinerary
At some point I should bury
You, as I now need affection in my ferry

I'm glad we had this conversation
Next-time my fountain will be filled
By someone special to drink
Into the love I've stored

© Malunga G