

Just Before Dawn Breaks
Darkness is all around the surrounding,
A lonely deer is running hard to survive from tiger's hunting.

Criminal minds are actived in the deep dark,
Allowing themselves to wait for the absence of dog's bark.

Factory workers are tired after hard work of sleepless night,
Clouds are covering the pre dawn moon diminishing it's light.

Owls are coming back to their tree house,
Alarm clock is ringing continuously to make us rouse.

Roosters are awakening the world saying good morning,
Birds are going out of nest for food searching.

After the dark hours passed away with an awakening yawn ,
A faint yellow light coming out from cloudy sky of the dawn.

A beautiful dark night with mesmerizing sight ,
Erased patienly by the charming dawn's light.

Maybe it chased away the darkness, but in a fleeting breath,
It stole the peace and silence, leaving only quiet’s death.

----- Shiladitya Mondal

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