

Day's with_crush🖤
We always plan a life like a wonderful painting,
But sometimes, we somehow paint a foggy landscape.
Fools will lay still like a rock and never stop complaining.
But the keen will stand up and paint over a prettier shaped.
"Life" never be planned,
Sometimes unplanned things,
Gives you lot of happiness :⁠)
We find a big reason for grief
There is too little for "smile and feel"
A rainy day,
With mine crush
He'll cherished my heart
In night we stared at dark sky
full of stars.
Moment's are special like he
I'm always there for he(crush)

It's my beautiful day🦋💫 of life
It's my journey at train🛤️🚉 and cherished time.🌈💫
#mine_crush #mrhope #raihu #rainlover

© #raihu