

Legacy Of Power
In realms of strength, where empires rise,
Power's allure, a captivating prize.
A force that wields both light and dark,
It leaves an indelible, lasting mark.

From thrones of kings to leaders bold,
Power's tale throughout history told.
It's a double-edged sword, a potent flame,
A test of character, a dangerous game.

For in its grasp, some hearts grow cold,
Their thirst for more, a hunger untold.
Yet others use it to lift the weak,
To build a world where all can speak.

Power, a force of boundless might,
Can shape the day and rule the night.
With responsibility, it must be held,
To serve with justice, where hearts are swelled.

So let us wield it wisely and with grace,
To better the world, in every place.
For in the end, what truly stands,
Is the power to heal and unite all lands.
© Folkland