

Snowflake tale 3

In the velvet sky, a canvas wide,
Snowflakes dance, with stories inside,
Each one a world, where magic's spun,
A fleeting tale, before the dawn is done.

With delicate threads, they weave their might,
Intricate patterns, shining bright,
A million whispers, in the winter's ear,
Snowflake tales, that only few can hear.

In the frozen heart, of each crystal lies,
A secret kept, behind a thousand sighs,
A story of wonder, of dreams untold,
A snowflake's tale, that young hearts can hold.

So let the snowflakes fall, like tears from above,
Their stories whispered, in a labor of love,
For in their fragile beauty, we find our own,
A snowflake's tale, forever sewn.

In the snowflake's soul, a universe resides,
A tiny kingdom, where magic abides,
A world of enchantment, born to delight,
A snowflake's tale, in the silent night.

this is the last poem am writing on SNOWFLAKE TALES
© mightypen