

Emo fusion
In the depths of darkness, a flickering light,
A symphony of contrasts, both day and night.
Where joy meets sorrow, a dance of extremes,
In the tapestry of life, woven by dreams.

In laughter's echo, a tear finds its place,
A bittersweet melody, two worlds embrace.
For within the shadows, hope takes its flight,
As despair's whispers fade in the soft moonlight.

Through trembling hearts, the courage to mend,
The broken fragments of a love, on the mend.
A tango of passion, a touch of disdain,
A kaleidoscope of emotions, a tempestuous rain.

Where longing resides, in an unspoken word,
Yearning for solace, a voice yet unheard.
But in the silence, echoes of solace arise,
And from the embers, a phoenix shall rise.

In solitude's embrace, a longing for touch,
Embracing the ache, the ache that means so much.
For it's in the emptiness, we learn to feel,
The depth of emotions, both raw and surreal.

The agony of endings, beginnings anew,
A eulogy whispered, a tale that is true.
For in every parting, there lies a rebirth,
As love finds its way, beyond the bounds of earth.

Two opposing emotions, entwined in a dance,
Creating a symphony, a captivating trance.
For it's in their union, completeness is found,
A masterpiece painted on life's hallowed ground.

So let us embrace the joy and the sorrow,
For it is in their union, we truly borrow,
The essence of life, its bitter and sweet,
A masterpiece of emotions, made complete.

© kray