

Something and Three
One day my father queried me
What do think you want to be
"A doctor, I think"
When I was 9 and 3

Doctor was hard for myself and me
A doctor's life was not to be
Now learning a builder's life
Trying hard at 17 and 3

Taught to earn a builder's fee
Boss jobs only! Other options please!
Trained not to oversee?
Not sure at 22 and 3

Spent time over others
And others over me
Tried not to disagree
Was I happy at 49 and 3?

Health was failing
Could not walk to see
Now, nothing but home
Young, only 59 and 3

Too young for the grave
Too ill to oversee
What do I think I want to be
Before I am 99 and 3?

Looking back, did I fail or succeed?
Not doing as I planned to be
Did my fear keep me dwelling
On something and 3?