

Never give up
Write a poem about the hardships of trying to achieve something.

I always say to my children you start at the bottom of the ladder and work your way up to the top.
These words are true and tough to hear & sometimes you make it and sometimes you flop.
Nothing in life is free everything you strive for you most work hard, very hard it is how it has been for me.
Sometimes no matter how hard i try whichever way i turn I am knocked off that ladder i just cry.
Yet the lesson that i have learnt is to never give up & take strength in all that are close & near, they will give you your strength & disintegrate your fear.
In my case my children pull me back each and every time, I'm exhausted from the fight of no succrss, its like I'm committing a crime.
I get so down i get so low but there's my babies obliviously telling me no.
The fight to survive for all of us is real but here i am, sick of how not achieving is making me feel.
Like being dragged through honey it really has just lost it funny.
So no matter how hard and all the inbetween my kids eyes will only see no matter how many times they have seen me fail at least i got back up only success will prevail.
© sapphire Lilith Parisa