

Zensun Empire

Across the plains where battles raged,
Empires rose, with banners raised.
From dawn of time, their legions marched,
In history's tome, their names were carved.

With armor gleaming in the sun,
The mighty armies, fierce and strong.
Their swords and spears, a deadly throng,
In war's embrace, where glories sung.

From Rome's great legions, firm and bold,
To Persia's knights with tales untold.
The Mongol horde, swift as the breeze,
And Sparta's warriors, hard as steel.

Through ages past, the clarion's call,
Echoed through the castle's hall.
With chariots, steeds, and cannon's roar,
They pressed their claim on distant shores.

Yet in the end, the dust does lie,
On fields where once the brave did die.
For empires rise and empires fall,
But valor’s tale outlasts them all.