

Once upon a time was one narcistic
Once upon a time, there was one narcissistic soul,
A being consumed by their own self-control.
They reveled in their beauty, their charm, and their grace,
Believing they were the center of the entire human race.

Their reflection in the mirror was their favorite sight,
Admiring themselves from morning until night.
They craved attention, adoration, and praise,
Their ego growing with each passing day.

They cared not for others, only for themselves,
Their heart devoid of empathy, like empty shelves.
They manipulated and used those around,
Leaving a trail of broken hearts on the ground.

But as time went on, their facade began to crack,
Their arrogance and vanity started to lack.
For deep down inside, they felt a void,
A loneliness that could not be destroyed.

Their beauty faded, their charm lost its shine,
Leaving them with nothing but regret and decline.
The world moved on, no longer captivated,
By the narcissist who once thought they were elevated.

And so, they learned a lesson, a bitter pill to swallow,
That true happiness comes from within, not borrowed.
For in the end, it's not the external that defines,
But the love and compassion that truly shines.

Once upon a time, there was one narcissistic soul,
But through their journey, they found a new role.
A humbled being, with a heart now open wide,
Ready to embrace the world, with love as their guide.
#narcissist #narcisstiticpersonalitydisorder #npd #mentaldisorder #mentalhealth #psychology #psychologyoflife #psychotherapy #poetry