

Queen Luna’s Unicorn Chariot Ride!
16 May 2024 at 11:30 PM
16 May 2024 at 1:05 PM

Under the moon’s enchanting gleam
Queen Luna, @LunaRoyalty calms in her dreams
Unicorn Chariot, a majestic sight
Fly up high, where wishes convene

In the world of Luna’s reign
She dances where the stars entertain
The winged unicorn, a celestial strain
It breaks free from its chain and soars together

In the night’s embrace, Luna
Riding on her unicorn chariot gracefully
Beyond the sky, boundless space
Adventure awaits in this magical place

Beneath Luna’s watchful eye
She soars without shame,
Flying swiftly on her unicorn chariot
In dreams, they touch the sky

Moonlit Queen, night ballet
Unicorn Chariot whisks her away
To an unknown realm, where fantasies play
Queen Luna breaks free and follows the Milky Way.

© Ruth Hor