

Is it true,
that war gave birth to this world,
because others believe it so.
and that is their belief,
while some have a different belief,

Whatever it is,
they seem inseparable,
because twice the world was engulfed in war ;
the world was dissolved into world war I,
and thereafter submerged into world war II.

As the world advances ,
so does war.
From war of conquest,
to territorial war,
they are all wars.

From cold war,
To trade war,
they are all wars,
though the weapon used differs,
nevertheless they are indeed all wars,
cause there are victors and vanquisheds

From Civil war,
to what is now "the war within",
These are still two sides of the same coin_war.

From Guerilla warfare,
to Modern warfare,
There are victims,
Some dead,
while some injured,
and there is nothing modern about killings.

From Psychological warfare,
or biological warfare
to Cyber warfare,
Yet humanity is the victim of these warfares.

However advance these wars are:
during war time,
and in every warzone,
there are war brides,
with their war babies,
but the war dance is not for the brides,
neither does the war cry come from the babies.

In all wars,
there are always perpetrators,
and they're the benefactors,
Cause they make profits from wars,
and they are better known as warlords.
they are always in tug of war,
for the spoils that come from the war.

Created and written by Mohammed Shittu