

You always said
I was really out there
doing too much, that I was never yours.

I wonder how could that be true?
When you are the great large clematis vine, spreading out your love feelers, with all that energy to create so many blooms?

People see you,
they stop to observe your beautiful artwork personality, poise and intricate flower show case.
They end up falling deeply in love with how your flowers deepen their hearts gaze, evoking words their heart has never sang. You might be right, most humans are not magicians.
Taking lazier ways, in excuses, there is nothing to them.
I am not that person.
Defiled by my lack of actions
My mind closed its third eye, as it fell asleep once and forgot that intimacy vision.

My soul sings though.
My heart rises.
My cherries are tart but good for your mind.
My antioxidants are clearing out my evil,
My God knows of joy.
I will run my life a smaller circumference, to keep you closer.

You are the clematis in my life. That I need to nurture you.
I struggle with jealous development, but I pray to make it through.
I don't want the world.
I just want you.
You are the world,
that my life is darker, when I can't earn your trust so graciously, to love and cherish...