

Healing : A friend of mine!...

It's a tale about healing
A friend of mine
Whose eyes seems to be null
As if they were soaked in tears
Her face also getting dull
As It's been so many years
Since the last time we met
Now looking at her
Makes me question myself
What could have been happened to her
To make her look like this
Though she still talks like before
But it looks so fake
There's no shine in her eyes
Which were used to be
Whenever she talks or laugh
Now they lost her shine
Her smiles don't reach her eyes
She pretends to be fine
In front of everyone's eyes
But when the night falls down
She cries her heart out
It makes me think twice
How can I help her
So she can smile through her eyes
Just like before
I wanna heal her wounded soul
And in doing that I realised
It's true that breaking one's heart is easy
But healing someone is the hardest

—From Joy's diary ♾️
Thank u everyone for reading this 💐© joy
#Joy #Healing:Afriendofmine #diary #wounded soul #broken heart #healing #writcopoem