

Unshakable Beliefs
"You're just a bit confused right now that's ok, you have the right to be-"

"-you're causing it."

"I suppose so, ask me some questions how about."

"-why me, why hold me captive when whatever you're working on isn't working."

"-well you see, it is working. You being us pieces of information and we fix it."

"-you can't fix it. You can't cover up the damage with something that could create more damage-"

"-what if it doesn't cause damage-"

"-what if it does."

"...we won't know until we get there."

"-why is it so important to get there. It's inhuman, it's wrong-"

"-sometimes big leaps come with difficult choices-"

"-that's the problem, your choices don't seem difficult for you to make."

"-because the possibility of winning would be historical. We could change the course of-"

"-it doesn't really matter, we don't know what will happen ten years from now. You give this stuff out like candy, it could be a historical catastrophe-"

"-you see great people doing astronomical projects can't think like that. We would succumb to fear-"

"-fear is what makes you human. Your creating something to be feared. Not something that could somehow be a blessing."

"...and if it is a blessing, look at your trauma. What if you could be rid of the emotional turmoil."

"-we have those feelings because it's something broken that need fixing. But not the way you want to fix it. It won't work-"

"-how come."

"You'll be breeding psychopaths who can't understand right from wrong."

"-or Gods that can rise above wars and haunting traumas."

"-you believe that."

"With my whole being."

"-you are not God, you can't predict anything. But I want to tell you I know more than you could because I bear your serum and it comes with a self-destruct button-"

"-what do you mean by that."

"-I'm terrified of what I am."

"...anymore questions?"

"Many but nothing that'll change your mind."