

Watin Man Go Do
Watin man go do, when de road get rough
When de struggles come, and de journey get tough
Will he stand strong, like a tree in de ground
Or will he falter, and let de struggles wear him down

Watin man go do, when de world turn upside down
When de darkness come, and de light seem to drown
Will he find de strength, to rise above de pain
Or will he succumb, to de weight of de strain

Watin man go do, when de heart get broken
When de love turn to dust, and de hope start to shaken
Will he pick up de pieces, and mend de broken parts
Or will he let de shards, pierce de heart and de soul apart

Watin man go do, when de road get long and hard
When de journey seem endless, and de destination seem scarred
Will he push forward, with a heart full of cheer
Or will he turn back, and let de fear and doubt appear
© providence

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