

The Crying Rockstar.
Your sadness griefs tears and woes,
Are priceless and precious!
They irritate to amuse!
And you as a silent recluse,
Can't hold it anymore!
Tears are not enough!
Crying won't help either!
And you wonder what to do,
And a merchant would come to you,
And ask you to sing!
With your own words and tune!
And you sing out your sadness,
With a tune rocking with anger,
With words that would rattle and scathe!
As the merchant puts you on a stage!
Millions have come to see and hear!
Your songs of anger and despair!
Of your broken heart beyond repair.
They hear you yell they hear your cries!
They imagine the tears that have left you dry!
They wave their hands with lighter flames!
Flames that will take a minute to fizzle away!
But as you see little lights from the stage,
You realise that all your sadness griefs and woes...
Have been carefully packed and skillfully sold!
Sold like gold and sold by you!
From a merchant's stage for a million views!
And then you realise that this misery won't end!
People will do business acting like a friend!
Priceless and precious grief and woes
Amuse fan folks that are now near and close!
You grieved yesterday when you were alone,
As you now cry more deeply into that microphone!
© Avik Datta Gupta