

In the silence of the night
The darkened sky devoid of birdsong
All that can be heard is the rhythm of the heart pounding
As if the world itself has vanished
Leaving me alone with the whispers of my thoughts
If I were to fade away now
The day would unfurl again
The sun would radiate its shine throughout
The clock would persistently tick its steady beat
The earth would continue its tireless revolution
And the seasons would gracefully continue their eternal dance
Yet I would remain oblivious to it all
Where would I go and wander if I were to disappear?
Maybe six feet beneath the earth
Or perhaps among the shining tapestry of the stars
Or in the void abyss until I dissipate into nothingness
Until everything dissolves into nothing
Silence resurrects all the suppressed and meaningless questions
Unanswered enigmas resurface
But before I get engulfed entirely
I shall raise the volume, bit by bit, until all is drowned
Until all the silence fades into the background
Silence is comforting
Silence is alluring
Perhaps the reason everything lurks in the silence
Silence is comforting
Yet strangely suffocating
Silence is alluring
Yet disturbing
Silence is nothing
Yet it brings back everything
If in this silence, I were to dissipate into nothingness
Where would I fly off to?
The suppressed questions trail behind
But silence isn't everlasting, it's transient
And it goes on— the dawn breaks
Birds continue their symphony
The earth continues its restless march
The day returns, leaving behind everything
And all the unanswered questions get pushed down to nestle in the heart
There's no answer to anything
No reason behind everything
And it goes on and on…

Perhaps silence is everything.

© shine