

the peril of the past
The echoes of your name arrive like winds
It is a perilous storm that perishes in me
For fate had surpassed yet again
And unshadowed the ugly truth;
That I was lost in the haze of my velleities
Just like the shrouding mist
Of the mornings I met you.

We stumbled upon each other’s souls
As if you were the wind and I was the anemone,
And I succumbed to you with a foreseen force;
But you blew all my petals away,
Encasing me in your arms of peril
We lingered in an atelier of clockwork;
And the artwork placed us into the past.

Thereafter you lie in my shadowed thoughts,
But stand still in my mind -
Failing to escape my thoughts.
Albeit my dreams remained velleities
We still stumbled upon each other’s souls
Albeit the idea of us dwells in the past,
I hope the past doesn’t encase you as well.

© Netra.