

she's the love of my life.
her eyes,
they shine so bright when she is next to me.
her smile,
Claims my whole heart as hers.
her dimples,
makes me fall in love with her even more.
her voice,
they make a promise to stay with me forevermore.
her laugh,
so comforting makes me forget all my worries.
her presence,
so miraculous, heals every soul that's been with her.
her hair,
Like beach waves I wanna drown in her beauty.
her aura,
so graceful, like a butterfly coming out of its cocoon.
She has made me the happiest in ways I could only imagine,
She respects my space, and not only that she gives me time to unwind my emotions
She's truly one in a million, I can't afford to lose.
I know she's mine,
I just hope she knows I'm hers too.
© anshika