

Of what you saw
Was but a straw
Of my oceans
Was but a wave
Of my thunders
Was but a squeak
Of my truth
Was but a peak

For what I see
For what I feel
I cannot show
I cannot seal
To bring to mouth
I cannot find
The words that would
Contain all bind

O great Opposer
O great Denier
How can I show you!
That I felt higher

For Death is Life
For Autumn Spring
For Love is Lie
For Love is Treason
For what we do
We have no reason
We what we say
We have no base

Or is it that
We want to pleasan
It comes together
To one conclusion
That Life is not
But a curse
And lie is that
It has no reason

A curse it is
A contradiction
And Death is Life
And Death is Freedom

Now then you ask
Why do we fear?
The maker’s trial
And our treason

For that he loves
For that he wants
Us most of all
But that he tests
For his reasons

I do not get
Why do we live?
Why do we bear?
Why do we lift?
We want him but
We do deny
We search him but
We don’t reply
We seek his presence
We call it void
The very essence
Of Life is lie
The very presence
Of Life is cursed
And Death Is Life
And Death Is Freedom!
