

The clue you ever wanted in life.
DICLAIMER:I,am not the character in this poem.Its us.,the reader and the writer.Its the clue mankind ever wanted to learn.

Annoyed by the traffic,or YouTube ad?
They teach you patience in your hard.

Overpowered by the nasty politician or a materialistic boss?
They teach you to take the power back with pause.

Furious about your creepy neighbour or disobedient friend ?
They teach you compassion and forgiveness till your end.

Abandoned by your rude ex or your friends fleet?
They teach you to walk on your own feets.

Hating your parents obsessed attitude?
They teach you unconditional love,gratitude.

Fearing the spider who clings at the bathroom?
They teach you to rise,above your fears showroom.

Unable to control your feelings and emotions?
They teach you to let it go for promotions.

Tired by the struggle you are taking in this road and reams?
They teach you that you are closer to your dreams.