

It's been months I guess,
Or has it been a year?
All I know it's been too long,
Since I shared my broken thoughts on a paper.

I used to think, " it's just a writer's block",
It will go away soon,
And I'll be back again writing all my crazy thoughts,
While trying to escape my doom.

I used to think, "I am just too busy",
Once it's all over, too much time to write,
I will make such a big comeback,
It will be a wonderful sight.

I used to think, " I will write it tomorrow",
I will write something so refreshing and serene ,
That it will steal away everyone's sorrow,
They will learn to be happy even when life seems mean.

I used to think, "I am doing the right thing",
I should be busy studying,
But how come after a few minutes I am lying on the bed crying?
Wishing to express my feelings or something.

Back then I used to think, now I realise,
Accidents happen often,
They do hurt from inside,
But it's all about being strong and confident; never weaken and hide.

Sometimes it's good to be tired,
It proves that you are working for something,
Exhausting your strength; be it mental or physical,
Helps you know that you are really getting at something.

No matter how good you are or how poor you perform,
If you are consistent and disciplined,
There's always a brighter outcome,
Better than yesterday, poorer than tomorrow,
Now, you are burning brighter than you have ever before.

So, keep up that willpower,
Keep doing what's right,
You might lose a battle today,
But there's a war ahead for you to fight.

Don't give up on today thinking about tomorrow,
Will you stop smiling today?
Just because tomorrow brings sorrow,
Or will you take the hope from today's happiness,
And create the courage to fight,
If today is going wrong, did it ever mean tomorrow's not gonna be right?

So stop thinking about all the excuses,
That you have accumulated in your life,
Just because you couldn't do it, it never meant it was never right,
That's life for you;
It's a strife which you have to survive.

A battle of survival is never meant to be won,
It is to fight till you are alive,
Once you are dead you lose,
But if you wanna win,
Are you ready to lose something you own?
You are winning but you don't realise,
Cuz life is a game of life and death,
If you are afraid, then you just ran,
You ran forever till you reach the cliff,
Oops, is it a dead end?
I can see why you're so stiff,
Now you can choose to win or lose,
Life is the victory that you can only choose,
If you are still fighting the battle where once you'll surely loose.

So don't think about how long it's been,
Don't think about how your problems will go away soon,
Don't make up the excuses of being busy,
Start writing; because it's a boon.

A boon given to you by god,
So why keep those mindless fears in your mind,
That one day you might stop writing,
Go on doing your duty,
Even when you cease to exist,
Your karma will be there for you,
It will be telling your tales to people,
Just like you,
So don't wait for that "coming soon",
Cuz it's here already.

So, stop procrastinating about what's to come,
You can never be fully ready,
May be someone just like you from the future,
Has reached what you have always wanted already.

Now, I think, "I am writing it now",
Woah! I have finished it already,
May be it was all about sparing some time and doing what you love,
Cuz the poem "WRITER'S BLOCK" has done it's magic already.

© jas