

I want to make you smile.
I want to make you mine
I want to see the world through your eyes.
I want you to make me smile
I want to love you more than anyone in my life
I want you to miss me
I want you to fight me
I want you to see the sunset with me
I want you to be my sunrise
We will go to the movie when you wish
We will dance on your favourite song when you wish
We will go on a date when you wish
We will go to the shopping and buy everything you need and make your eyes shine
I want you to be my dream girl
I want you to dream about me
I will never leave you
I will never make you cry
I will respect your life
I will do whatever makes you smile
I will love you till my last breath
I will give you everything you need to smile
I will love you all my life
I will love you all my life
© entertainer