

Reveries of Death
Reminiscing about the ecstasy of my childhood in a sepia filter, a bleeding heart with desires morally wrong ;
All my hope stampeded upon by the world, this solus existence makes the wait for death feel too long.

An imminent death wish I inhale and exhale the smoke which blurs my vision of this world I couldn't admire ;
The gentle crackling at the end of the joint at parity with that of my body's burning pyre.

Nothing to fall back on but pseudo sympathy and cold shoulders, bereft of love I'm left grieving ;
Puddles of tears in my eyes and streams of blood on my arms, someday you'll walk in on my body hanging from the ceiling.

Lost withing myself, the only home I've known, I'm safe behind the barriers of darkness afraid to open my eyes ;
Life and death no more a dichotomy to my conscience, a broken heart filled with reveries of my demise.