

Mother, Mother, Mother
A patient vessel
A woman of vulnerability for her children
A priceless Steel
A supporter
The most African beauty of All
A Heroine
A cross bearer
Half problem solver
I wonder in this cold world without my backbone Mama
The most responsible of all
I call you my one and only
The one who decorate her home
The one who put smiles on her fruits face
The lover of All
Le ka e bari e dem lo (Good mother already created by God)
God bless the day He made you Mother
Mother we love and admire your beauty everyday.
The woman who carries her child in her womb for not nine months
The woman who makes sure she deliver her precious child safely.
We love you ♥️ Mama
God keep you alive to eat the fruits of your labour.
Big heart ♥️♥️❤️❤️ for you Mama.