

Comes Spring
Changing seasons hark new beginnings,
Like the shoots of tender plants on a Spring morning.
For nights of sadness , of cries and pain
Are slowly vanishing behind the mountains

As birds manning the sky's bosom
Fly down to your lovely boughs
Resonating the homes with sweet chirrups
Twigs in little beaks , calling their mates.

As scented marigolds and roses bloom
Smiles of varied hues brighten your lives, And giggles of merry kids fill the air
Bringing joyful time of hope , no despair.

Days are here, killing fear to make us hear
Bells of valour jingling so ,so near
Hark , says someone , there comes the chariot
Of rising Sunny Spring morn sparkling in its Armour of rainbow skies .

© Smita Bakshi