

LOL Hit me back,Tag your it.!
The more you want a reply from a person, the more they'll keep silent. Write a poem about it."It's been 2 hours and 15 minutes since I texted you last. I'll wait 3 more minutes ,And not a minute more,To give you time to pee,Or get home from the store.Theres got to be a reason that my texts, Your choosing to ignore.You might of fell asleep,? Or your phone has lost its charge.?Or maybe you couldn't pay your bill,Cuz it was to large.?I know what it is.You left your phone inside your car! There's no way that you can hear it ring,that's way too far.Maybe you got busy helping your Uncle Joe,Getting his cat down from the tree ,where he loves to go.You might be in the shower ,or in the tub soaking your bone.You just might obviously,want to be left alone.
© Oceans......