


My heart bleeds...
I can feel it cry
As blood gushed out of it.
Yet, it never ends ,
Can you hear it's plea?

For as the waves of the oceans move without coordination,
Like the stallion ,
Who cares nothing about its master's exhibition,
Or the sun radiating light unto the earth without permission,
And the wind relocating plants without compassion,
So was my heart,
A heart as free as a dart in the air,
But why does thou do this to me?

Thou has tamed my heart ,
A heart as proud as a lion and transformed to a heart as timid as a lamb.
New words can't define the beauty of your thoughts ,
Words fall short to explain how enchanting you have laced my heart with this beautiful love...

In a sonorous image of a woman,
Now those sweet words which enchanted me,
Has now been substituted with that which curses me
For those lips sweeter than alabaster oil,
Have turned into the Gardener's fork
And my heart, the soil..

Come back to me love of my heart ...
For thou hast made me an ANATHEMA of love.

© the lambent writer