

The Great Handbag Saga
Sitting outside an empty house waiting for the owner to appear
The missus said I've seen a nice handbag on marketplace, although it isn't that near
We had to go somewhere two hours ago, so spent the last hour just sitting here, no show
It's now past the time they should have been home so I'm grumpy and not filled with cheer
Half an hour late as we drove away the seller text that her husband was almost home so please could we stay
We turned back around and waited some more
To shorten the story so it won't be a bore
the handbag couldn't be found , what's the score
Apologies made as the evening did fade
empty-handed with no purchase made
Eventually got home with a pain in my head
See you later I'm going to bed.

# outcome is the owner's husband will deliver bag when it's found.
© The Imposter 💚🙏