

I am my Father's Little Girl!!
A Baby took Birth
And You leveled up
From a Husband to a Father.
You held the Baby very cautiously
In your Arms for the Very First time
Admiring your own creation
And here starts the journey of a Father.

Any Man can be a Father
But it takes a very Affectionate, Responsible, Caring Man
To be a DAD.
And You are that DAD.
To feed me a single morsel of Food
You travelled distances;
Carrying me in your Arms.
Whenever I fell sick
You stayed awake all night
Checking on me, checking my Temperature.

Usually, kids fulfill their Parent's desire
By studying Medicine.
But, your Love and Responsibilities
Compelled You to read Mummy's
Medicine Books to attend to me.
You knew me much better than
Any other Doctor.
I have not been an easy kid
But, You never did give up on me.

I was Five, when You decided
To send me away from You
To have a better Education, better Life.
You bought me a Camera as a parting gift
So that I could capture some Memories.
A Daughter, who found comfort only in Your arms, didn't know how she will Survive without You.
But trusted your Decision.
Each Year I used to visit You twice
And that continued over the Years
Till you stayed in this World.
I had learnt to live with your Memories.
Our Relationship remains Unbreakable
Uneffected by Time and Distance.
LOVE YOU BABA!! (That's what You always wanted me to call and still remember the pride on your face, when I used to call You "BABA")

As a Dad, You tried to fix all my Problems.
Couldn't for everyone has to deal with their share.
But, You never did let me face them alone.
Even today, when You have left this World
Your Teachings, Your Principles, Your Ideologies never did leave me.
I could feel your Presence, your Support
As I take major Decisions in my Life.
You left me with ever-lasting Influence.

I am not ashamed to say that,
No man I ever met was your equal.
Nor could I Trust and Love anyone such.
I love being your Little Girl all my Life.
And that Rocks!!
Kakus and Pisha still pamper me a Lot.

Although, celebrating a Father-Daughter's Relationship or in that case even Father-Son's Relationship doesn't need any particular Day. But, don't want to miss any Opportunity to Wish.🤗



© Monisha Pathak