

One hell of a summer
The dying embers,
of the summer-sun,
lay, like barbecue coals,
It's been one hell - of a season,
with grief-stricken - condiments,
and, gruesome - herbs.
Parties, and, meetings,
where sapient meat,
became disturbed.
Flame flashes rashers,
shanks, loins, and, many rarer cuts.
Heart-shaped burgers;
bitten, burning, and, dripping.
Blaze-shaped feelings;
all sweating;
profusely, and, perturbed.

But, now, the cold sets in.
The rotten flesh,
is covered in flies.
Larvae absorb,
and, consume the sin.
As the lambs blood,
cools and dries.
Landfill sites fester,
- ever fuller.
Teen suicides, and, stabbings,
on the up.
The brightest futures,
growing duller,
by social media's poisoned,
overflowing cup.

A forgetful fable,
soon emerges;
of a summer; subjugated,
by sentimentality - so weak.

But, what lay beyond,
the sunny, grassy verges.
Is the glacial-hard-truth...

One frozen hell.

An infernal blizzard of a life;
blackly frosted;
burning, berserk, and, bleak.

© poormansdreams
#poem #poetrycommunity #writco