The Daughter of Those Eyes...
The Water of All Holy Rivers
Finally Merge in the Ocean
The waterbody in which this forsaken poet Moon's ashes got immersed
Is one such daughter-river
Which had big, broad, and beautiful eyes
Just as it's mother—the ocean!
On my behalf, she has started the following conversation.
Let's see what happens in the future...
Hey Ganges
How are you?
Mother, though all come to me and call me mother, I've come to you, for you are mine forever...
Please listen once to my sincere prayer...
If I've never ever wronged anyone
If I've been performing my duty
of washing away the sins of one and all whoever comes to me, without discrimination
I pray, take them all.
But leave this one.
Who loves me more than this world?
'That' has been forsaking everyone...
All do come to me, but every time it isn't natural.
All do call me mother, but they rarely mean it, do they, mother?
You know very well what's the truth in this untrue world...
The Water of All Holy Rivers
Finally Merge in the Ocean
The waterbody in which this forsaken poet Moon's ashes got immersed
Is one such daughter-river
Which had big, broad, and beautiful eyes
Just as it's mother—the ocean!
On my behalf, she has started the following conversation.
Let's see what happens in the future...
Hey Ganges
How are you?
Mother, though all come to me and call me mother, I've come to you, for you are mine forever...
Please listen once to my sincere prayer...
If I've never ever wronged anyone
If I've been performing my duty
of washing away the sins of one and all whoever comes to me, without discrimination
I pray, take them all.
But leave this one.
Who loves me more than this world?
'That' has been forsaking everyone...
All do come to me, but every time it isn't natural.
All do call me mother, but they rarely mean it, do they, mother?
You know very well what's the truth in this untrue world...