

If you hear this all the way through in 3 days you'll die
Despite massive advancements in science and technology, the age-old question of what happens after you die is still without answers.
You might actually KNOW that you are dead for quite a long time after you die, according to a chilling new study.The findings come amid the emergence of the belief you know what's happening around your cadaver.Medical experts have long debated what happens when a person dies, with anecdotal evidence of bright lights or sensations, and films such as Flatliners exploring the unknown.
People who have been medically dead and then resuscitated are the only insight into what happens."I woke up in what looked like space but there weren't any stars or light. I wasn't floating so to speak, I was just there. I wasn't hot or cold, hungry or tired - just a peaceful neutral kind of thing. I knew there was light and love somewhere nearby but I had no urge or need to go to it right away. I remember thinking over my life, but it wasn't like a montage. More like I was idly flipping through a book and snippets stood out here and there. Whatever it was, it changed my thoughts on a few things. I am still afraid to die, but I'm not worried about what happens after that"I just remember being on the pavement and things slowly going black and quiet.The only reason I didn't fall asleep was because of a bizarre moment where I heard someone yelling, 'Ranger up you candy f***! Come on man, get up. Get up. GET UP!' Then someone was slapping my helmet (which was basically smushed really hard onto my head). When I opened my eyes I saw my brother squatting on the pavement next me to. This was odd because my brother died from an overdose several years ago.The only other thing I remember is him glancing at his watch and saying something like 'They'll be here soon' and then walking away.
I wish I could give more detail but I honestly don't remember much of the incident and still have trouble with my memory as a result of the accident."The only other thing I remember is him glancing at his watch and saying something like 'They'll be here soon' and then walking away. I wish I could give more detail but I honestly don't remember much of the incident and still have trouble with my memory as a result of the accident."

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