

I have demons.
I have my angel.
The demons are shadows of regret and what ifs
They cling to my back, grasping for air.
They only breathe when I’m in pain.

My angel, he’s one hell of a fighter.
Funny right,
My angel is keeping my demons at bay.
He’s doing a good job, just not good enough.
They are reading this poem, call them Legion.
My angel is flying around waving his flaming sword.
All I can do is say fight, fight, Fight!

My heart and my brain are in the same vessel,
Like a catipillar and a butterfly,
they are one and the same, but different.
My brain wants to stay and rest,
see he doesn’t believe in love.
My heart is completely different.
My heart loves the outside world,
She has her eyes set on this beautiful blonde.
So, she and Mr. Brain fight all day and night.

Mr. Brain things logically, not like Mrs. Heart.
Mr. Brain drinks a lot, Mrs. Heart doesn’t.
They are rivals, but need each other.
Today I wanted to go outside, they argued.
Brain ended up winning, so here I am.

One battle of a man, forced to write.
Drenching my bottle with pain and regret.
Damn those demons.
They know I’m dipping into my blood,
to bring you the joy I can’t give myself.

Hey what’s that, two voices in my ear.
They keep repeating the same word,
“fight, fight, Fight!”
Hey what’s that, another set of voices.
“Don’t listen to them, they’ll get you killed.”

But, aren’t I already dead on the inside?

Oh, hello Mrs. Heart and Gabriel.
What have you brought today?
Oh thanks, a lovely bottle of joy.

Oh, hello Mr. Brain and Legion.
What have you brought me?
Oh thanks, a bottle of ink.
Hey, something’s wrong with this ink.
It’s red, and it says it made with my soul.

Metatron? What are you doing here?
Oh, you dropped of a letter.
A letter from God, no return address.
It has only one word,

© tmrf