

lf only you had Spoken the UnSpoken


Awkward conversations_
Silent glances , that held thousands of words ,
But it's funny _
Of all those thousands , even a "Hi"
Was as awkward as a "Hello"

Just a whiff of your scent,
Took me ages to realize l wasn't breathing.
Yet you went on to look at her ,
And l instantly realized the heartbreak.

You pinned me on the wall,
Told me to forget about Jerald,
"Why" l retorted
Because he couldn't make me happy,
That was your reply.

If only you told me that you'd die for me _
l wouldn't have taken that rope.
If only you told me l affected you as much as you did to me ,
l wouldn't have climbed on that chair.
If only you had said the three words ,
That were left unsaid in our glances ,
l wouldn't have gone ahead and swung the chair away and hang to my death.

lf only you had spoken the unspoken,
You probably wouldn't be crouching in that alley _
With regrets , heartbreak and heartache.

© silent_pen
